Thursday, October 28, 2004

I'M F*#!ED

I hate cops. Not all cops. Just the smug ones who it seems have nothing better to do than give me driving citations. Whenever my friends get pulled over, they get warnings. Me? No matter what it is, I get the ticket. This morning I got a ticket for "failure to stop for a school bus." Ok, at least it's not for speeding I say to myself. And to be honest with u, what fucking school bus? I never saw a school bus! Maybe that wasn't the wisest thing 2 tell the officer. So, I'm thinking to myself, this can't be as bad as a speeding ticket. I'll just pay the fine and be done with it. Then he comes back with such horrible news that my mouth drops agape and my eyes well with tears. "That will be $275 and 3 points. And you can go to court in Essex if U want." And then he smiled that smug smile at me while my whole world is crumbling apart. 3 fucking points?!? I pay $240 a month in insurance now with NO points! I may as well have been cited for a DUI! How many points is that? And then he says I can go to court in Essex. Please. 4 those who don't know, I think the KKK still has a headquarters tucked away somewhere in Essex, so there is no way I'm going to court there! AND 2 make matters worse, I'm already on probation before judgement for my last speeding violation (ok, I was going 43 miles an hour in a 30. WTF) So, I have this huge fine I can't pay, 3 points to make my insurance even more unaffordable, possibe total of 5 points if they grab the two from the earlier ticket and all for what? 4 a phantom fucking schoolbus that could have only been 3 lanes over on a major 4 lane road with two lanes going opposite ways. So, like the title of this post says, basically ...

I'm fucked.


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